Tuesday, November 01, 2005

One singular sensation

This goes out to Mr. Pastel who can't wait to see the movie:


Inspired by "La Boheme," Rent follows the lives of a group of friends living in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. Each struggling to pay the rent, fulfill their vocation, and put their lives on a firm foundation, searching for love and purpose. The play centers around Roger and Mimi, both HIV-positive and afraid of love and life. Rent deals with such issues as AIDS, the value of choice and experimentation, death and loss, communal life, and friendship.

And while we're at it here are the latest movie reviews:

• Serenity: 5 R2D2s out of 5 (yeah, that's right)
• Wallace & Gromit — The Curse of the Were-Rabbit: 5 wedges of cheese out of 5 (but you already knew that)
• Good Night and Good Luck: 3 Pulitzers out of 5 (really? really)

P.S. Feliz Dia de Muertos

1 comment:

Nel Pastel said...

Please tell me "Rent" ends with the main characters fulfilling a murder/suicide pact.


Ugh, just thinking about that movie makes me want to go to the Drag and ka-bong a theater student.

Agh! Why won't it get out of my head now?!?