Monday, November 28, 2005

Gringos and green cards

It's funny - and sad - that the only Bush proposal I even come close to agreeing with has absolutely no chance of happening. Let's face reality for a second: The United States is packed with immigrants, in the country both legally and illegally (seriously, what's with assuming every dark-skinned person slipped in under cover of darkness, anyway?). That's not going to change.

And guess what? Most conservatives don't really want it to change. Cheap labor that you can keep off the books? A dream come true. Want to abuse their rights as workers and then maybe not pay them at all if you don't feel like it? That's where immigration laws come in handy, because that's a mighty big stick to wield over someone's head. It's especially true when that someone most likely has a family desperately depending on that so-called wage he or she is earning by doing work the average American wouldn't lower themselves to do for three times as much.

Another point is what made Bush so popular is biting him in the ass now. After ramping up people's fear of terrorists slithering across the border, does he seriously expect those same jingoists to suddenly say giving illegal immigrants legal worker status is a good idea?

I think embracing the idea of immigration and regulating it in a way that makes sense, instead of just chasing people through the brush, makes sense. I think doing it now is essentially putting on a show that's doomed to close before the curtain even goes up.

You can almost smell the desperation coming from the White House, grasping at anything they can push through and point to as a victory for an administration lamed by an albatross of a war and implosions within its party. And I'll make a bet right now - the administration is no-way-in-hell going to mention that stupid Border Wall plan and are going to dance around it like Gregory Hines if anyone else brings it up.

Well, at least something funny is coming out of it.

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