Friday, November 04, 2005

Mousse and Squirrelly

I'm a sucker for puns, and this is just funny and well-written all the way through. Stupid Onion guys! And now I want flan.

New Custard Could Cause Worldwide Flandemic

November 2, 2005
ATLANTA—A recently discovered strain of custard could cause a worldwide flandemic, Centers For Dessert Control warned Monday. "We are warning people who come into contact with milk, egg yolks, sugar, and whole vanilla beans that they are at risk of concocting this custard," CDC director Paul Liddleston said. "All reports indicate that it is extremely non-resistible." Liddleston said the government's present reserve of dried tapioca is "useless" in combating a flandemic, and until a more effective vaccine is created, "the proof will be in the putting of containment teams in high-risk areas."

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