Thursday, March 09, 2006

Blowing my brains out

Yeah, so this is pretty much how I've been feeling the past couple of days. Posting will pick up once I stop feeling like I've been worked over with a sock full of pennies and Lopez! doesn't have to go to three meetings every day. Oh, and whoever thought of lacing Puffs with lotion should get the Nobel Prize.

Image source


Eric said...

It's all that dastardly Lopez!'s fault for making you slave on home improvement tasks and silly household chores. If she would only let you lounge and read comics and games like you were MEANT to, your body wouldn't be rejecting you like this ;-p

The Puffs genius should also be knighted and provided with a state-paid estate and staff (in England, so I don't have to pay the taxes for them).

Nel Pastel said...

Ooooh, Lopez! is gonna have your ass for that one!

But you might be on to something - I could be having an allergic reaction to an honest day's work.

Eric said...

Damn, Lopez! didn't take the bait. Saw right through my ploy huh?

Lopez! said...

l'il e: are you taking advantage of the fact that I have been locked away in meetings all f#?@ing week?!

All I have time to say right now is ... watch your back ...

Where's my sock full of pennies? }:|

Eric said...

Finally! The ire I was looking for! The venom! The barb!

Mostly I was just trying to rile you up. I'm sorry. I don't think I've ever heard or read you use an expletive. Those meetings must be maddening. I am a person who would cut his own leg off to avoid a meeting, so I know the suffering you are enduring. I didn't mean to take advantage, I just was looking for some of your attention ;-p I will gladly take the sock of pennies to the noggin to give you a release for all of that pent up frustration though.

Have you ever seen the bad SNL skit where Matt Damon goes to the Bruce Springsteen concert with Jimmy Fallon and Rachel Dratch, they're all playing Boston teens (the other two played them as recurring characters in many skits)? I always think of that skit when you guys talk about your sock of pennies. Here's the transcript. There's not much visual going on in the skit anyway, just a crowd scene in what looks like a mega-sized sports arena. Damon hits his lines outta the park though, pulling his old Southie accent out of the closet.