Thursday, March 02, 2006

Katrina: The Warnings Bush Received

In case you heard about the video but haven't seen it.


Eric said...

I'm used to Bush being a big old liar by now. What freaks me out is listening to the FEMA jargon. I've worked in jargon-heavy industries my whole life (natural foods, then architectural history, then web development, now educational publishing), but some how it becomes so much worse when it is obscuring ideas of real human loss. The chunk where Brown is talking about the Superdome is where this struck me the most. The military does it a lot too I guess, it always bugs me when I hear it though. The reduction of all those people's lives and suffering into little hollow phrases sickens me.

Nel Pastel said...

What really bothers me is that this is another example of how this administration is just so secretive and dishonest. They seem incapable of telling the truth, even to themselves.

It really surprised me, too, that Brown is the member of the White House gang who comes out looking like the only one with an idea of how bad it might get. It's a shame, a real shame, that no one else bothered to listen to what a room full of disaster and weather experts had to say.

Eric said...

That's been Cheney's Chumps M.O. from the beginning though—ignore experts, follow own agenda at all costs. Why are you still surprised? I see a pattern starting to form with you. Those doorknobs and stairways really do a number on you ;-p

Nel Pastel said...

Ha ha! Naw, what I was surprised by was how Brown actually comes out of that video looking like the competent one. Given how he handled the whole thing he's obviously not, but he still came out looking better than Chertoff or Bush.

Please, I'll ... I'll do better next time ... sob!

I'm just glad Lopez! did a better job of finding the video than I did - I just kept coming across reports about the video.

Eric said...

He definitely did come across as the most competent, but he had a bitter, I-only-care-because-it's-my-job air of exhaustion about him too. Don't turnips pretty much come off better than Bush?

You'd better do better or you know the consequences, I've got a sack full of Love and Rockets ready and waiting. Oh, wait, those are for another target entirely.

Lopez! is the the supremo maximo! All hail Lopez!