Thursday, March 02, 2006


Did you know the new Blue Beetle is supposed to be from El Paso? That's right, a new character who's integral to the current "Crisis" storyline, who'll be getting his own title in late March, who's replacing a beloved and dramatically killed-off character, and whose name is JAIME FRIGGIN' REYES, will be from my hometown.

See that truck in the background of Panel 2? That's a Big 8 truck! Big 8 is an El Paso chain of grocery stores, and outside of Chico's Tacos you can't get more El Paso than Big 8.

Man, it sure would be great if I knew some journalist-types back in El Chuco who could maybe play with the idea of pitching a story idea to the lifestyle section. C'mon, it wouldn't be that hard and it would be fun. El Paso could be cool for once. C'mooooon! And it's not as if you can't track down the background information - one of the writers even has his own blog!

I'm just saying.


Nel Pastel said...

Oops. Lopez! just informed me that the local paper in El Paso has been running stories on the Blue Beetle connection.

Carry on.

Eric said...

Your icon appears appropriately chagrined for once. Usually it looks inappropriately sad. This time, it should be. Shame on you prattling on about something you didn't even bother to look into. Please tell me the Times has a web site (see that's how lazy I am, I'm not even going to go do a stupid Google search or try any possible URLs out).

Will you please explain the Jaime Reyes part to those of us who don't get it? Please? Is that a common name in El Paso? Or is it the name of a friend of yours?

Nel Pastel said...

Ha! Well, I've probably known a metric ton of Jaimes in my life, but in this case I was referring to the allusion that the character's Hispanic. To me - a Hispanic comic book fan - that's a big deal. Off the top of my head I can only think of three Hispanic superheroes, and one of 'em doesn't even really count; White Tiger (I used the think he was just so damn cool when I was a kid), the second Wildcat, and Zorro.

The paper's site is the full name-punto-com - they only offer archiving for seven days, though, so I don't know if you'll be able to find it.

Y'know, it never occured to me that the icon looks sad! He's supposed to be angry, but I can totally see how he looks down. It's probably clearer on the original, full-size version.

Poor icon. Poor little icon.

Eric said...

Fussy, that's how your icon looks, fussy.

OK, sorry for the confusion, I thought maybe it was it was an inside thing. That's awesome that your people are getting represented! Since my comic experience is limited at this point, I'm still not aware of all of the genre's failings and limitations. Now if there were only a comic about white trash from Arizona I too could revel ;-p

Punto-com punto-com punto-com! I'm never using dot again.

Nel Pastel said...

Say no more:

(Sorry for the crappy link - I don't know how to do them in comments).

It's been a while since I read it, but the basic storyline was a guy who was a lot like Axel Rose hooks up with a guy a lot like an older Elvis and they go on a crime-and-shootin' spree while driving through the Southwest in a big pink Cadillac.

Eric said...

It's like they wrote it just for me! I love W. Axl! He is the embodiment of my people with a freaky voice and a penchant for overblown musical compositions--what's not to love? Man, that looks like it is going to be a tough book to find though.

Jay said...

Lopez saves the day! I was going to have to do an archive search to prove that the Times isn't SO out of it that we missed the El Paso comic hero, but now I don't have to worry about it. Did you ever work with Daniel B.? He's the hero: He bought the comic book, brought it in and set us in motion. Pretty fly.

Nel Pastel said...

Oh man, I felt like an ass after Lopez! told me you guys have already run two or three stories on it.

I'm not sure if I know Daniel B., but the name sounds familiar. I'm happy to hear someone is picking up on stuff like that, though - he gets an awesome: