Friday, June 23, 2006

Favorite Panel Friday is now in session

You may have noticed (or not) that there isn't a panel from any of this week's comics. It wasn't for a lack of good stuff, because there was a bunch. Oh, no, this week's Favorite Panel was called on account ... OF JUSTICE!!

I had a good run, but finally got caught and ended up serving on a jury of my peers. It was pretty quick and everything was finished within the day, but it meant no access to a scanner. No scanner equals no panel. Today, we're only uploading THE LAW!

Here it is in a nutshell: She was speeding. It was pretty obvious she didn't have a case (soooo busted). Guilties all around, maximum fine, and no plumbers had to go to jail. If it had been up to us on the jury, the sentence would have been even tougher.

Oh, and on the way home I saw a couple of grackles mating on the lawn of an office building on Sixth Street. Dirty birdies. I told Lopez! it was like watching 9 1/2 Weeks and From Here to Eternity, but with feathers.


Anonymous said...

I totally got side tracked reading Tick quotes. SPOON!

Anonymous said...

You know what I just realized? Reading those Tick quotes is very similar to reading Bush quotes. Hmm...

Nel Pastel said...

Except I'd sooner vote for the Tick than Bush.

Man, I used to love the Tick. Da-dweee, da-da-da dwee-dow!

Eric said...

Help a gringo out, what is the plumber reference and how does it relate to the crazy duck?

Eric said...

And I'm very sorry about the cable-rated avian porn. Did I ever tell you about the time we accidentally spied a pair of homeless people all dirty pale legs akimbo under the underpass across from the south Central Market? Cookies were very nearly tossed.

Pato Loco said...
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Pato Loco said...

Um ... well ... I once sent their plumber to jail. He deserved it though: He totally looks like El Buki, and you can't have people like that wandering the streets.

Eric said...

Really? THEIR plumber? What'd you bust him for? Besides looking like El Buki? That isn't technically illegal, I don't think it is at least...

Nel Pastel said...

No, it's not ... but it SHOULD BE.