Friday, May 12, 2006

Favorite Panel Friday

Here's a new feature that hopefully won't fall by the wayside (Shut up. I might still pick up that other one. Maybe).

Every Friday I'll pick the one panel - out of the stack of new comics I read every week - that for one reason or another gave me the most fanboy joy.

This week was a close call: It was almost a panel from the outstanding Cthulhu Tales, but Fantastic Four: First Family #3 pulled it out with this classic depiction of Mr. Fantastic doing what he does best - going "boing." And look at that Mole Monster! That, my friends, is some understated hilarity in an already chock-fulla-fun panel.

By the way, this panel was slightly modified to minimize the panel originally jutting into it. Seriously, it was distracting as a mutha. Oh, and the art is by Chris Weston, with inks by Gary Erskine, in a comic written by Joe Casey.


Big T said...

I understand the cosmic whatzit storm made his molecular doobidoos elastic.

So he can stretch real good.

But why on earth does he look flattened, like he's been pushed out of a Playdo press?

Shouldn't his arms and legs be tubular, like totally?

Nel Pastel said...

Vampos! Now it's a party!

You'd think so, but it actually makes sense. Mr. Fantastic is stretched across a street, and he's kinda flattened himself out so he can catch Gamera here while he falls backward. So, he's all flat-like.

His doobidoos, on the other hand, are always perfect spheres.

Man, it's good to here from you - does this mean you'll be updating once in a while? I know you've got a whatchamacallit, "life," but c'mon.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic Four? Puh!

But Cthulhu Tales was good huh? I haven't read it yet so that's good to hear.

The panel thing is a good idea, after showing us that Lois getting bonked on the head thing from All Star Superman I started reading it. She got bonked! It's great!

Nel Pastel said...

Lois getting bonked is always good (yeah, you heard me)!

I really enjoyed Cthulhu Tales. It's an anthology, so some stories are stronger than others, but overall it's a good read. I'm really hoping they put out another one.

Read the story about the school play - that one gave my heebie-jeebies goosebumps!