Tuesday, November 27, 2007


A souvenir octopus swizzle stick, bought from a glassblower in Juarez and now taking up residence on my desk at work.


Anonymous said...

I want it.

My next goal in life is to learn how to make glass stuff. Although mine will be more jewelry oriented than swizzle stick oriented.

Eric said...

Great shot dude. You are a really great photographer. You manage to catch the essence of things with deceptively simple shots. Really nice job. You caught the colors of him perfectly and that is definitely one of the coolest things about him, though he is all-around just cool. Great find! Thanks for mine too! I'm not even going to try to shoot him though, as I am a naturally horrible photographer :-(

Nel Pastel said...

Lisa: Mine!

Yeah, you should have seen this guy work - it was really pretty cool. He made a life-sized rose while we talked to him, and he had a display case full of different kinds of stuff.

E: Awww, thanks, man! You give me more credit than I deserve.

Big T said...

Ai ai Cthulhu!

Nel Pastel said...

Aw, he's too cute to be Cthulhu! Aren't you, little guy? Aren't you just the AAAGGKKKKchkGGKkkk!