Saturday, November 24, 2007

No. 1 with a bullet list

You know what's the one thing I don't like about coming home after a trip out of town? The way air gets trapped in the water pipes. When I took a shower today it sounded like a bagpipe was strangling a cat.

Lopez! and Quile have a problem with those media darlings, Perverted Justice — mostly with its poor word usage:

Lopez!: Perverted Justice? I don't even know what that means!

Quile: It should be "Justice for Perverts."

Hey, we've got friends who sell stuff — don't you want to celebrate the Savior's birthday by buying some of it? Jesus would want you to. So go check out Lisa's stuff, and then take a look at Lindy's.

So Blogger asked me if I wanted to update this template and I said sure and now everything looks goofy. And that's why all the text looks so ginormous now. Which means we'll be tinkering with it, so bear with us while things are being moved around, added or dropped.

Wow. This is possibly the most random post yet.


Anonymous said...

You mentioned my stuff - yay!

By the way, the text doesn't look ginormous at all you big liar.

Nel Pastel said...

It is! At least, it's bigger than it was before. Maybe I just need to get used to it.

Yay for Cantaloupes!

Eric said...

Yeah it is all about perspective bub, I've heard your claims that things were ginormous before, it NEVER works out to be true, you just have dainty, lady-like hands.

Anonymous said...

Nel is quite a dainty lady.

Seriously dude, the text is not bigger at all. Quit with the lies!!