Friday, October 12, 2007

Geek check: I should've had a d8

While I was moving my notebooks, camera and other stuff from one bag to another last night, I started looking at my gaming bag as a possible candidate.

(I'm looking for The Perfect Bag, and even though I know I don't own it I keep hoping one of them will surprise me some day; it's a search second only to my quest for The Perfect Pen.)

If you game, you know what a gaming bag is; in my case, it's a backpack I use to carry my scratch paper and pencils and player's guides and whatever else I need when I'm gaming. Of course, this also means that most of my dice are in this bag. And of course, this means I ended up spending a good half-hour or so reorganizing my dice.


Hey man, I needed to make sure I had plenty of d6. And then I read this entry on Wil Wheaton's blog today and was reminded that not only is he a fantastic writer and seemingly all-around good-guy, but he understands. A Yahtzee cup? C'mon.

I know most of my friends are geeks, nerds and dorks in one way or another, so let me hear it - what geeky thing have you done lately?

I told you I was looking for six-siders


Anonymous said...

Well you already know I make dice jewelry. I think I totally win the geek prize for that one.

I need to get some holy water or something for my dice because I've been rolling shiiiiiitty lately. Of course that's in the evil D&D campaign so maybe holy water isn't the right way to go.

(The word verification for my post is "groyk", take out the "y" and you have "grok"! Ya grok?)

Anonymous said...

I've got one: I just corrected the subject-verb agreement on a blog post.

"...most of my dice IS ..."?! What the hell is wrong with you, man? It's like I don't even know you anymore, Pastel.

Nel Pastel said...

Lisa: Oh, I grok! And it's funny you mention that, because I was telling E earlier that I'm not very religious, but I still knock on wood and I SWEAR MY DICE GO COLD! Crit failure, my ass. Friggin' fickle dice!

Kyle: I have no idea what you're talking about.


Anonymous said...

"dice is" haha poor Nel, he is just an egg.

Fred said...
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Fred said...

Dear god...I sometimes confess to people out here that I'm a geek, and then I try to explain what that means. Just now, reading through this entry and the comments, a few things occur to me:

1. Wil Wheaton has a blog
2. Nel reads said blog
3. I'm nowhere near as geeky as I'd thought
4. Geek is to y'all what people is to China