Tuesday, October 18, 2005

What A Wookiee!

U-S-A! U-S-A!

Even though I'm pissed about the direction my country has taken the last few years (that would be down, by the way), I'm pretty happy about the news that Chewbacca has become a citizen of these United States, and actually lives somewhere in Central Texas, no less.

Chewie has always been one of my favorite "Star Wars" characters. How could he not be? Look at that mug - the only one that comes close to being as cool is Lando, and even then he has to fall back on a 40 every now and then.

Think about every great scene in any "Star Wars" movie (I said great, so the last three are out of the running) and there's one of two characters in it; Darth Vader or ... wait for it ...


You know what I want? A Chewie movie. Maybe something from his early smuggling days with Han, something that would lend itself to interstellar chase scenes, gunfights and a wookiee conking people's heads together Three Stooges-style. I get geeky goosebumps just thinking about it.

I mean, seriously, how cool would that be? That's right - this cool:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't get greedy, Pastelito. If we've learned something from the "prequels" is that Lucas gave all he could with the first 3. The magic IS GONE. IT BURNED DOWN! =]