Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Hey, Pickle!!

Have you ever seen Idiocracy? It's not as good as Office Space, but it's a solid offering from Mike Judge that runs with the premise that society is virtually in ruins in the future because, well, stupid people tend to breed more. And they tend to eat more junk food and energy drinks.

Don't sweat it, stupid people! It's really a statement on our American society in general, since the world basically operates as if everyone is living in a reality show.

Ow. I just hurt my brain.

Anyway, this is all a long way to say this: Earlier, Lopez and I were talking about this, and she said it just supports her argument that Idiocracy might not be that far-fetched.

Ladies and gentlemen, in our continuing quest to bring you the latest in pickle news, I give you what some call:


Oh yeah!

Because everyone knows that dill pickles have been crying out for an intensive Kool-Aid injection. And yes, small child, I will try Hot Cheetos and ice cream. At this point, why the hell not?

I just hope I don't go into sugar-shock while eating my Koolickle. Being found with one in my grip - or God forbid, my mouth - might be embarrassing.

Shit. Now I can't stop saying "Koolickle."


Eric said...

I have totally come to the realization that Idiocracy is COMPLETELY prophetic
did you ever read my firefly-idiocracy mash-up post? Who got their kool-aid in my pickle? Who got their pickle in my kool-aid? Two great tastes that taste great together!

Anonymous said...

That is really, really gross. But thank you for the update in pickle news.

Nel Pastel said...

Pickle technology does not stop. Ever.

Fred said...

I just rented Idiocracy - it would be a lot funnier if it wasn't already so true...

Nel Pastel said...

No shit. It's funny and depressing all at once. What's really sad is how much more you notice this kinda crap after watching the movie. Did you see the story about that couple in New Zealand that wants to name their baby "4real?" Because they realized they were having a baby and it was "for real?"