Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Geek check

How geeky can one guy get? How's this grab ya?

That's right - this is a handmade d20 necklace. I picked the die and a friend of mine (who works at the comic shop I used to work at) made it for me. I'm pretty sure that makes her geekier than me, but it might be a toss-up.

And, God help me, I plan to wear the hell out of that thing.

Lisa's also making neato, non-nerdy earrings and who-knows-what-else, so if you're in the market for this kind of stuff, pay her a visit.

I'd sell you my shame, but apparently I don't have any left.


Eric said...

I hereby dub you, Sir Rollsalot. That is a whole new beautiful level of geekdom sir, I commend you!

Anonymous said...

You posted a picture of it and everything, awesome! I'm glad you like it and I don't have to kill you. That would be a messy little pain in the ass.

I'll totally destroy you in the geekiness contest!

I posted this on my deviantART account and it's got someone else ready to buy one. YES.

Nel Pastel said...

Lisa: I want a cut!

And you may out-geek me on the gaming, but my comics geekiness will roll over you like Bouncing Boy rolls over Duo Damsel.

See, you don't even know what I'm talking about. Smack!